How to add a bot to a channel or group?

  1. Find the channel or group you need
  2. Click on the "Administrators" button in the channel or group settings
  3. Click on the "Add administrator" button in the menus that open
  4. In the search box, find your bot and select it to add
  5. In the rights settings of the new administrator (your bot), make sure that all rights are enabled and click on the "Finish" button at the bottom
  6. After you have successfully added your bot, it will appear in the list of administrators
  7. After adding the bot to a channel or group with full access rights, you need to write any message or make a post so that it is linked to your Botifi profile and appears in the system.

If you want to use Botifi to create chatbots and manage your Telegram channel or groups, you need to add your bot as an administrator. This will allow you to send and receive messages from your audience, collect data and analytics, and receive and process orders created through your bots.

To add your bot to a channel or group, you must have the rights to add an administrator.

Adding a bot to a Telegram channel or group is easy and takes just a few steps:

Find the channel or group you need#

Как добавить бота в канал или группу?

Click on the "Administrators" button in the channel or group settings#

Как добавить бота в канал или группу?

Click on the "Add administrator" button in the menus that open#

Как добавить бота в канал или группу?

In the search box, find your bot and select it to add#

Как добавить бота в канал или группу?

In the rights settings of the new administrator (your bot), make sure that all rights are enabled and click on the "Finish" button at the bottom#

Как добавить бота в канал или группу?

After you have successfully added your bot, it will appear in the list of administrators#

Как добавить бота в канал или группу?

After adding the bot to a channel or group with full access rights, you need to write any message or make a post so that it is linked to your Botifi profile and appears in the system.#

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+ Create a bot for sales
Processing orders in a channel or in groups
After connecting Telegram resources (channel and group) to the system, you can use them to process new orders together with the resource participants. When new orders arrive, you will receive a notification in the form of a message in the connected resources, with all the data about the order and with the ability to change the status of the order. To do this, you need to enable the "Send new order notification" option inside the resource
How to create a new Telegram bot? Processing orders in a channel or in groups
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